Friday 16 August 2013

How To Get Good At Betfair Trading - Fast

By Richard Fletcher

When it comes to getting good at trading horse races on Betfair, there are 2 key elements to getting good quickly, in my opinion.

Number 1 is quite simply experience. The more knowledgeable you are in any field, the more of an expert you will be. It doesn't matter which field you choose to earn your trade in, the more experienced you are, the better you will be at it. Too many people are trying to get good at Betfair Trading by trying one system after another, without ever committing to, and sticking with one thing, and making it their business to become an absolute master in that area.

Don't think of this in terms of elapsed time, but instead in terms of how many horse races you have witnessed. How quickly can you get to a thousand races? Once you get to this point, then reassess your level of expertise. You should find that you view things in a completely differently way when you get to this point.

If you work full time you can get your 1000 races experience in just 1 month, but a man taking in ten races every week will take a whole two years to get to the same point. Why not try to get the experience as quickly as you can?

Number 2 - you must take a learning experience from every race. What is the take home message here? What can you learn from what you've just seen? If you can't figure it out, then the message is simply not to get involved next time. Everytime you win or lose, you must ask yourself what just happened and why.

Many people blame the market for going against them when they place a trade, but the reality is that the market is telling you everything you need to know in order to be able to work out what is going on. If you're not able to work out what is going on, then do not get involved! Sometimes the most profitable course of action for a particular race is to simply not get involved.

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